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News from the Chair 9

Hello everyone

Your Management Committee met on 3 August and as usual discussed a variety of club related topics. Amongst the discussions the Committee has asked me to highlight to playing members two items.

Firstly, to emphasise the etiquette where, in a singles match, the two players offer the marker a drink following the game. Another point is to reinforce the rule that where any member of the playing membership has a Club, County or National match they do not, on the day of the match, practice on the green. This applies to not playing in either direction on the day of the match and regardless of whom the opposition is.

This month is turning into one of celebration. Firstly, the men's second division team won their league and will be promoted to the first division. Trophy to follow. In the ladies SVLTL league, Tetbury finished second. Well done to all involved.

I am pleased to also let you know that Gareth Brown has been selected to play for Disability Bowls England (South) at Leamington Spa on Saturday 12 August. All the best Gareth.

Finally on celebrations, I would like to acknowledge Roger Bird who, apart from celebrating another birthday on Monday 7 August, Roger will have been a club member for 50 years on that date.

Well done to Vincent and Susanne on winning the 51 Up on a very wet day and a thank you to Paul, Lucy and Amelia for producing multiple freshly baked pizzas.

As we draw closer to the semi-finals and finals of the many Club competitions, I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the club and thank you for your continued support.

Keith Glassbrook

Chair, Tetbury Bowls Club


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