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News from the Chair 8

Hello everyone

I normally send the newsletter out following a Management Committee meeting. However due to a busy July for the club I felt I should write to you earlier.

Who can remember the weather of 15 July when the Bird family organised the Mike Bird trophy competition? It was an extremely wet day, all day, but the players bowled on through and it is a credit to the Club members taking part to have finished the day with a result, Susanne and Vincent running out winners. It is worth reflecting on how well the green stood up to the torrential rain and the efforts of our green staff has to be admired. Even on the day in question Victor and Vincent worked on the green with heavy rollers to keep the competition alive. Well done.

The support given to the Bird family in playing this annual event was reflected in the financial contribution made to the club. Entry fees, selling of raffle tickets and a donation by the Bird family resulted in almost £500 being raised. At the time of writing we are looking at what can be purchased for the benefit of all members. Thank you to the Birds.

Club competitions are progressing well as we approach quarter and semi final stages. Good luck to all still in the various competitions.

Finally a thank you to Jan Yates who has purchased 12 new mats for us to bowl from. They are a welcome addition to our green equipment.

Keith Glassbrook

Chair, Tetbury Bowls Club


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