The season that we have all been waiting for has started with a good turnout for the Opening Gala.
Your committee held its 5th meeting of the year with a variety of topics to discuss and resolve.
Our Open Day was successful with 17 potential new playing members who have all been offered 4 free lessons before they make a financial commitment to the Club. We have had 4 new members already sign up and a warm welcome to them. The Junior Open Day was not so successful with the weather playing its part in putting a dampener on the day.
The Club, for the second year, was represented with three fun games for spectators at the Wacky Races and this again proved profitable for the Club plus getting our name known to locals and visitors alike.
I am pleased to inform you that The Great Tythe Barn has joined our list of sponsors and you will soon see their advertising notice at the Club and on our website.
Lisa and Angela P have done a great job in auditing our clothing and bowling stock. Secondhand and new items are on display at the Club.
Two items of housekeeping I wish to bring to your attention. Firstly Danny will be looking for names of playing and social members to take a turn at cleaning duties at the Club. This helps us keep costs down and is not an onerous task if we all take a turn so please volunteer for one or more duties.
Secondly can I ask that playing members help in setting up the rink equipment before games and tidying away at the end of their rink. We will be asking for each Skip to ensure their rinks equipment is put away and not left to the usual few. As with the cleaning if we all play our part the Club will operate smoothly.
A thank you needs to go to those who have been involved in planting out pots of bedding plants in time for the summer. Special mention needs to go to Lance and Pat, Rich Thomas (plus all the new pots), Susanne and Rob Hatto. I am sure we will all enjoy the fruits of their labours.
Looking to 2024, already! we have 19 members signed up for our October 2024 bowls trip to Portugal. If you are interested in joining this group of intrepid travellers please let me know.
Finally for this month I trust you have an enjoyable season and let us hope for some better weather.
Keith Glassbrook
Chair, Tetbury Bowls Club