The countdown really is on now until the start of the season so there are some important dates for you to note in readiness for the start of the playing season.
Firstly there will be a pre Gala coffee morning on Sunday 7 April at 11 am when we would like to showcase to the members the work that has been undertaken during the closed season. Vic and I have compiled a list of tasks carried out on your behalf, some of them minor and some of them major works. Todate the list extends to 34 different jobs so if you can make it on the 7 April it would be good to see you.
A week later, on Sunday 14 April we will have the Opening Gala. Thirty members have already signed up to play on this day so if you have not already been on the club site, under Fixtures Sign Up, and put your name down I suggest you do. There is already a list of friendly fixtures that you can sign up for.
The cost for the Opening Gala buffet is £5 per head. The catering for this is carried out by club members and if you feel you can give Chris Bridgeman a hand in preparing the buffet please get in touch with Chris. We will also be sending out an invite to members to assist in the spring clean of the club and surrounds prior to the start of the playing season so please support your club if able in sprucing the facilities up.
Keith Glassbrook
Chair, Tetbury Bowls Club