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News from the Chair April 2024

It was great to see so many of you at the Opening Gala. Whilst the air temperature was chilly it was a sunny day and everyone seemed to enjoy the bowling, the delicious spread at the end of the game and the generosity of the members in giving prizes for the raffle.

We have a number of important events coming up very soon and your support for some of them is sought. Firstly, next weekend is the Club's Open Day on the Saturday [27th], from 11.00 until 3.00 pm followed by the Junior Open day on the Sunday [28th] from 12 noon until 3 pm. If you are able to help out in welcoming potential new members at any of these times, please let me know.

On Saturday 1 June we are hosting our annual Corporate Day for Clubs, businesses and societies around Tetbury.  If you know of a group of inexperienced bowlers that would like to take part please get in touch.  The day starts at 12 noon for briefing of the competitors and should finish around 5.30.  The cost is £10 per person with teams of 4. An afternoon tea will  be served during the course of the afternoon.  The winning team shares a hamper of goodies.

Club competition entries need to be in by midday on 5 May. Entry forms are available online or from the bar, don't forget! The draw for the Club competitions will take place LIVE on Friday 10 May, starting at 7 o'clock.

Rich Thomas is looking for support in getting the cleaning rota together for the playing season. The dates and duties are on show in the corridor outside the changing rooms. Please choose some dates by entering your name on the lists or wait until Rich approaches you for your support.

Finally can I ask all members to be aware of the damage that can be caused to the green if bowls are not delivered correctly. The divots that can be created take a long time to recover, give an unequal playing surface and look unsightly. The Club has purchased a bowling aid to assist those members that have difficulty in consistently delivering a bowl. If you feel this may be something you would like to consider please approach one of our Coaches.

Enjoy the season and good luck in all competitions you enter.

Keith Glassbrook

Chair, Tetbury Bowls Club


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