As we enter what is the final week of our playing programme there are a number of events coming up and support for your club that I would like to emphasise.
Next Sunday, 22 September, is our Closing Gala and as usual we have had a good response for both playing and social members. Heather, Dawn and I look forward to welcoming you for what we hope will be an enjoyable close to the playing season.
Immediately after the Gala, on Monday 23 September, work will commence on the pavement and ditch boards along the churchyard side of the green. Anyone who can offer some help in lifting the slabs and preparing the ditch sides for renewal will be most welcome. Further work will commence on 25 October over three days in relaying the slabs and I'll write again nearer the time as to the arrangements for those able to help. At this time I will also give details of winter tasks we need to carry out in maintaining the buildings and grounds.
Cleaning of our facilities has remained an issue for us and Angela Prosser has agreed to take on the role of organising members to take on duties over the coming months and next season. The Management Committee have looked at the possibility of employing a cleaner and it will come as no surprise that if we took that option membership fees would need to increase by around £30 per member per year.
Plans are well underway for our annual Dinner Presentation on 9 November and I will write with further information in the coming weeks.
Please be aware that the nomination sheets for Management Committee positions are on the noticeboard in the Clubroom. We rely on volunteers to take on the various roles that make the Club what it is and I would ask all of you to consider whether you are able to take on a position. Details of the various roles can be found on the Club website.
Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for 7 pm on Monday 28 October. An important date for reviewing the past year and looking to appoint the new Management Committee.
An update on our new Club shirts is that the order has been placed and we hope to take delivery in the next three weeks.
Finally a second reminder to please take all of your personal belongings home after the Closing Gala.
Best wishes
Keith Glassbrook
Chair, Tetbury Bowls Club