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News from the Chair Jan 2025

I hope the New Year finds you all well. Your Management Committee met for the first time in 2025 last week and discussed many matters in advance of the new season.

The first date I would like to share with you is the weekend of 5 and 6 April when we invite all members to help out with the Club's spring clean prior to our opening gala. More information on this will be sent nearer the time.

Following the spring clean we will start our bowling season on Sunday 13 April. Something I am sure we are all looking forward to.

Two social events that we hope to hold during the year will be a Race Night in May (date to be confirmed) and an auction of pledges which will probably be in August. Both events are being held to raise funds to support our further improvements to your club facilities.

Improvements are already underway in the refurbishment of the Ladies and Gents toilets. This project is progressing very well and our thanks go to the mainstays of the work on this project, Chalkie, Vic, Brian C and Rob Hart. They look very smart and modern (the toilets that is).

Some of you have asked about Club photographs being available for viewing. We are making progress and there is one display on show near the TV and a further one iminent. Angela C has bought two large photograph albums and the numerous photos that we have will be placed in these two albums for members to view at their leisure.

One area of focus this year will be attracting new members. To this end we will be holding four open days for potential new members. These dates will be promoted nearer the start of the new season when we hope to increase our membership numbers. Your support in making members and potential new members welcome will be appreciated.

At the last Committee meeting Angela Smith was co-opted onto the Management Committee as Ladies Vice-Captian. Welcome Angela to your new role.

Finally a reminder that this year's subscriptions are due by the 31 January 2025.

Hope to see you soon.


Chair, Tetbury Bowls Club

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