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September's highs and lows ...

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

VIBE Visually Impaired Bowls England

It’s difficult to know where to start when sharing our club’s news for September.

The highs and lows were intensified by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Patron of our affiliate Bowls England, during the National Finals and our own finals. Throughout the mourning period, our matches were played to honour and celebrate her life as a keen sportswoman with the flag flown at half-mast. Like so many others, we gathered to watch her funeral reflecting on her long life of inspirational service.

While it was sad to come to the end of the season, we closed it out with a boisterous game of Spider and a fun match. Spider is where a jack is placed in the centre of the green with all the players standing around the green with one foot in the ditch. Everyone has one bowl and, when given the command, bowl all at the same time. Whoever is closest to the jack when all bowls have come to rest wins. The entry fees collected were donated to VIBE, Visually Impaired Bowls England. This wonderful charity works with Disability Bowls England to support bowls for the visually impaired and to promote bowls for the whole disabled community.

The highs were generated by our club competition finals and the start of the St Mary’s Primary School short mat after school program.

Over forty of our players entered in May to compete in eighteen different club-based competitions. From the junior shield to the over 60s competitions, we’ve seen some excellent bowls played throughout the various early rounds, quarter, and semi-finals. All our finalists are to be congratulated, but particularly those who are new to the game like Austin Wood, this year’s winner of the junior shield. You can view all the results on our website at

Many of the children at St Mary’s will have seen us setting up the short mat once again on Monday afternoons to introduce them to the sport of lawn bowls. While the rules are adapted from the outdoor game, the object is the same – get your bowl closest to the jack -- and learning to play requires just as much thought, focus, skill, and teamwork. Coach Keith aims to make it both instructive and fun, so there’s usually lots of laughter ringing out in the hall as bowls go wide or through the block, but lots of cheering when they stay on the mat and close to the jack!

​Visit for more information about ​us,​ the junior section and membership.

Susanne Knaus

Tetbury Bowls Club


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