tetburybowlsclubFeb 21, 2021Looking forwardNot the start we're hoping for, but we are still planning ahead for this season with fingers firmly crossed. We have fixtures in place...
tetburybowlsclubNov 21, 2020Behind the scenes in the off season!It's all quiet up at TBC but, as usual, there are things going on behind the scenes. Contractors have been out and trimmed the hedge down...
tetburybowlsclubOct 25, 2020Things are winding downThe games and matches we played in the summer were all finished by the end of September and the green is starting its resting and...
tetburybowlsclubOct 13, 2020Coming to season's endAnd what a strange season it's been. We have managed to play a range of matches in an internal league and it's been great getting out...
tetburybowlsclubSep 6, 201824-hour non-stop bowls raises £5,000Marathon bowls event at Tetbury Bowls Club raised over £5,000 for guide dog to be named Bowler.