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Corporate Day winners are ...


We thought this was speed dating

Congratulations to ‘We thought this was speed dating’, winners of our 2023 Corporate Day mini-league competition.

With eleven teams of four non-bowlers competing for the hamper goodies, the clubhouse was abuzz with anticipation. This annual event attracted quite a diverse group: from members of the U3A, Tetbury Art Society, local businesses, the Lions, and one of our sponsors, CGT. Members of Tetbury Bowls were on hand to provide a 30-minute lesson ahead of an afternoon’s fun bowling. Teams then played short games, and all seemed determined not only to win points but also to personally improve their bowling technique. The mid-afternoon cream tea went down a treat, giving everyone the opportunity to rest and recap performance so far and discuss tactics for the next round of games. But it was then back on the green to finish off the last few games before calculating who were the winners of the two leagues. We all then gathered to watch as ‘We thought this was speed dating’ defeated ‘Hollywood Bowl’ in the final.

We would like to thank the following teams for not only participating but also helping us raise funds for The Nelson Trust in Stroud, which is CGT’s chosen charity: Boulers not bowlers, Wacky, Sterling, We thought this was speed dating, Rug Rats, The Bowler Coasters, The Experts, This is how we roll, SJS, Hollywood Bowl and Artful Dodgers.

Everyone agreed it was an enjoyable way to spend beautiful Saturday afternoon. Next year’s event will be on Saturday the 1st of June 2024. If you are interested in entering a team (we have space for just twelve), email us at

In other news, we would like to extend a warm welcome to this year’s group of novice players who have now completed their four free coaching sessions and are participating in our midweek and weekend friendlies. It’s great to see you on the green putting your new skills into practice and enjoying this sociable sport.

In mid-June, we hosted the Gloucestershire men’s triples semi-finals (Stroud Section) between Coleford and Victory Park and Bristol St. Andrews vs Pineholt. It was a great evening of high calibre bowling and a pleasure to watch for our many spectators. We wish Coleford and Pineholt the best of luck in the final stages of the competition.

Our players continue to compete at different levels - local leagues, various county and national level competitions and, of course, our own club competitions and midweek and weekend friendlies. Throughout July into August, we’re anticipating even more great play. If you’d like to visit and watch a home friendly game, there is a list available at And, if you are interested in giving lawn bowls a try, don’t hesitate to get in touch (07414 274375) as we hold social roll ups on Friday evenings, and we’ll arrange for one of our coaches to give you an introduction.

Susanne Knaus

Tetbury Bowls Club


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